Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Construction Finished!

The past couple days have been full of work, and I am almost sad to be done with it. I have really enjoyed myself, and am glad to have had the motivation to pursue something new. As far as the actual construction process, it was rather simple. For almost every joint, I used glue, and something called pocket screws.

Here is the rig I used for drilling the holes for the pocket screws. You simply adjust it for the thickness of the board, as well as a drill bit that came with it.

 This is the hole left. It does not come out the back, which makes it easy to drill multiple holes on a piece, then clamp it into place and screw it in.

These are two completed joints, glue and screws. Gluing was simple, the only illogical step to someone who is unfamiliar is a short process called setting. It is in this process that the glue-er will apply glue to the end-grain of a piece, and only the end-grain (typically the end-grain is the smallest face of the piece). You do this because the end-grain is very absorbent, and you need to apply the extra glue. After a minute, you can apply more glue, to both contact surfaces, and clamp them together to be screwed.

The final step was to upholster the seat; attaching foam and fabric. This process was rather simple. First you lay your supplies down, in the order of fabric, then foam, then the seat board.You then want to pull the fabric up over the board, and pull it as tight as you can to create rounded edges. You then must staple the fabric to the board. Continue this process all the way around the seat, except for the edges. There are several ways to do the edges. The general idea is to fold the corner over, with as little variation as possible.

After that was done, I attached the seat, and hand myself a chair! After that there was nothing left but some sanding, actually a lot of sanding, to get everything smooth and consistent.

This week I have commented on the following blogs:
I Got The Magic by Noah
Website in HTML by Sydney
and 21st Century Mind Reading by Michael

1 comment:

  1. This is still amazing to me! You learned how to, and constructed your very own, original chair, in only a month and a half! I feel like you have really progressed throughout this project and I have loved your growth. I enjoy looking back at your other posts and seeing how your knowledge has grown! Loving the chair!
